Janathon day 6. Hill Repeats.

After yesterday’s 5 miles, I started to panic about the upcoming “Slaughterford 9” and set off for some hill repeats this morning.

3 runs up a short but steep hill. I’m delighted if I can manage the first 2 of the repeats without walking, usually I can manage just the first one. Today I had to walk on all 3. The second repeat was marginally faster than the first because I had to overtake a dog walker. (It’s an unspoken runner’s rule – you *have* to overtake walkers, with or without dogs, when going up a hill).

Thought process on the hills went like this:-

Hill 1 “I’m a bit cold, wish I’d worn my gloves”
Hill 2 “Warming up nicely – probably didn’t need my long tights on”
Hill 3 “Wish I’d just worn vest and shorts!”


Janathon Day 5. Does this count?

So does taking down most of the Christmas decorations count as a Janathon activity?

No. Hmmmm.

Does dashing around Sainsburys to buy the ingredients to make ‘trench cake’ for forgotten homework count? No. Oh dear.

How about painting inside another new under the eaves ‘loft’ cupboard? I was so contorted I’m sure I invented several new yoga positions? Still no.

Well, good job I pulled a 5 mile run out of the bag then. Ha!

Janathon Day 4. Some real exercise at last!

Finally,  finally,  some real exercise that involves putting on lycra and going outside. Sadly, still no running, but today’s adventure was cycling. Even more exciting, cycling wearing cleats. Anyone who’s followed my cycling exploits will know I usually manage to fall off my bike at least once on any ride. Often whilst stationary, always embarrassing. After several months of using the toe clips that came with my bike, Mr B&T bought me some real cycling shoes and cleats.* This was a trip destined to end in disaster.


As an incentive we decided to cycle to one of our favourite cafés, Merkins Farm near Bradford on Avon. After a quick lesson in how to clip in and out, we set off. It was cold, and after twenty minutes my hands and feet were numb. My son (who was also in his new shoes and cleats for the first time) was setting a stirling pace as he had the scent of his favourite veggie burger in his nostrils.

After a cold hour we were there. The blessed relief to walk inside where it was warm from the wood burning stove was indescribable, but the pain from blood returning to my numb finger tips could only be described in naughty four letter words (so I’ll let you use your imagination).


19.6 miles cycled. Double points because it was so cold. Excellent veggie burger eaten. Janathon Day 4 done.

* Sometimes I think he doesn’t like me very much

**Maybe he does like me, after all

Janathon Day 3. The best laid plans

Yesterday I made great plans for Janathon Day 3. Up for a parkrun, then out for a bike ride. That would make up for a slack fist two days!

Then husband and I saw the weather forecast. Plans for early starts were quickly cancelled and a bottle of Prosecco opened instead.

To skip over the embarrassing non-events of the day I finally managed some calf strengthening exercises just before bedtime. Better luck tomorrow, eh?

Janathon Day 2. Another new one

Day Two of Janathon. Still no running, but at now I’m home again so it was time for another new activity.



Stairs are a real novelty in this house. We are in the midst of a loft conversion, so for the first time ever our bungalow has stairs. So, as a first ever exercise I ran up and down the stairs 10 times. It was surprising hard work. When we moved in 11 years ago a friend warned us we’d end up with “bungalow legs” and sadly I think he was right.

Anyway -Janathon Day Two – Done!

* Yes of course it counts for Janathon.

January 1st is JANATHON TIME!

No review of 2014 from me – I think I’m just glad to have got that particular December over and done with.

So a new year, a new month, it can only mean one thing – JANATHON is back again! The month long annual festival of exercising and blogging every day is once again upon us. For more details have a look (and get signed up quickly) here.

For something completely different, my exercise today was 40 minutes of ice skating. Amazingly I didn’t fall over once, not even when my young nephew fell whilst holding my hand, right in front of me.


It felt likea good start to the month -roll on the rest of it!

“May the Force be with you”

So a race that took me several times longer to get dressed for than to actually run it. A race that I was more nervous about what I, and everybody else, would be wearing than usual. A race where the safety briefing ends with “and may the Force be with you. 3 2 1 GO!”

Yes it was May the Fourth, and it was the Sci-fi 5k. Fortunately the race didn’t start until 11.30am so I had plenty of time to get ready. A whole packet of hair pins, a can of hair spray and my carefully made costume later, I dragged my photographer (teenaged son) out with me and off we went. I suddenly realised as I was driving that I was getting some funny looks from drivers in other cars, but maybe they didn’t realise Princess Leia drove a large muddy Toyota.

We reached the car park, and I was expecting to see streams of runners in fancy dress heading to Race HQ. No, only families going to the park. Just as I was silently wondering if I’d come to the right place and at the right time, my normally unflappable son asked if we’d come on the right day. “Well, what’s the date?” I asked him. “May the Fourth!” he replied, smiling.

Race HQ was in a Wetherspoon’s pub and add I collected my number I was assured there were other people in costume. As we moved outside to the start area, in the park, we did finally see another couple of Leias, a rebel pilot, Obi Wan Kenobi (who seemed to have come in his dressing gown), and someone that I though was Captain Jack from Doctor Who & Torchwood, but who apparently was Han Solo.

Han Solo, Obi Wan and a Rebel Pilot

As we set off, the weather had warmed up and It was beautifully sunny. I was already feeling warm in my long sleeved top and long skirt, but I kept thinking I couldn’t be as hot as the Dalek!

The course wound through some housing estates and then back through some parkland. It was all pretty flat and on another day, in a galaxy far, far away, in another outfit this would be a great PB race. I ran with a lady in a red Star Trek dress for a while and we consoled each other about running in a dress.


My blaster hand was sticky and slippy now and I was seriously considering ditching it. However my son had had his eye on it so I tried passing it from hand to hand just for a change.

Eventually we headed back into the park and could hear people applauding and see the finish line. I looked out for my son, the official photographer, but couldn’t see him anywhere. I received my medal and a bottle of water and found a shady area by a tree to wait for him. He sauntered over 5 minutes later having waited back at the car and underestimating how long it would take him to walk back. Sigh. Fortunately there were plenty of other people with cameras who then shared their photos on Facebook. Thanks John and Warren.



I almost forgot to mention the race super was Darth Vader. Well if he was behind me, I’d run too!

Janathon Day 31. Goodbye Janathon.

The last day of Janathon. Woo hoo! Should I end with a damp squib of a plank? Or do (yet) another session of my DVD (I swear Jillian Michael’s eyes follow me around the room from the DVD case). Maybe another bike ride (but cycle shorts are still damp on the radiator from yesterday, and I’m not hardcore enough to put them on on that state). I know – I’LL GO FOR A RUN!!!

In the interests of resting my niggle (yawn), I haven’t run since 3rd January! I have missed running, and I was anxious to see how four weeks of ‘just’ cross training would have affected it (and me).

So off I went this morning. I set off at full pelt for a quick blast around my 3 mile loop. It was cold, it was slippy, it was muddy under foot. It was glorious. I ran 3.11 miles in just under 30 minutes, which included re-tying a shoe lace TWICE and a little chat with a neighbour (the problem of running through the small village you live in).

So it’s goodbye Janathon, and welcome back running!

Janathon Day 30. The Day of the Hi-viz Michelin Man

Cycling capri length trousers. Old running tights that have gone baggy* over the top. A long sleeved running top. A merino wool thin jumper. A fleece jacket. A waterproof running jacket. A bright yellow hi-viz running gilet. Oldest running socks. Muddiest old trainers. Husband’s best cycling gloves.

This was me, dressed to go out on my bike today. Think ‘hi viz Michelin Man’ and that’s the look I was going for. Getting all those clothes on took so much effort it should count as a Janathon exercise in itself, however I didn’t think I’d manage to persuade the Janathon community of this so I waddled out to my built. I realised it was a while since I’d done any outdoor exercise when I picked up my Garmin and it looked like this:-


Setting off to B&Q without thinking, I automatically cycled the route I would normally drive, the fastest along the main road. This was somewhat hairy on a bike. At one roundabout where I had to get into the right hand lane whilst being overtaken by lorries I recorded a big heart rate spike, purely through adrenaline. Needless to say I chose a more cycle-friendly route home.

I think I definitely scored hardcore points today!

* Think 1980’s PE teacher’s tights