I wrote about Coffeeneuring for the first time last year, and managed to complete the challenge by the skin of my teeth (and with a little subtle rule-bending). I was therefore excited to see this weekend meant it was the start of this year’s challenge.
In case you’ve forgotten, Coffeeneuring is a challenge to visit 7 different “coffee shops” (or cafes) over 7 weeks, travelling by bike each time with a minimum of a 2 mile round trip. You should have a coffee (or tea, or any other drink you fancy), and take a photo as proof. Read more about it here.
The Coffeeneuring 2017 challenge kicked off on Friday 13th October, and with unaccustomed cycling enthusiasm I dragged my husband out on Sunday 15th for my first trip of the year. Living in a small village, our closest small town with cafes is 3 miles away, so it wasn’t difficult to ensure we cycled the minimum 2 miles.

A 2.9 mile hop on our “shopping bikes” took us to Grounded, in Corsham. We enjoyed drinks, shared a raspberry bakewell tart, did a spot of shopping then took a shortcut home and made it back in 2.5 miles.

A lovely ride with my obviously lovely husband, to a really lovely cafe. Recommended!