Thoughts and Photos from when I run, swim and cycle
Guest Post. The Fred Whitton Challenge
This weekend, the lovely Mr B&T has been up in the Lake District with his bike, taking part in the Fred Whitton Challenge again. For those who know the Lake District you will appreciate how hilly this is. Also what the weather is likely to have been like! For thse who don’t know, it’s in the North. Nuff said. This is an epic 112 mile ride, taking in some epic hills, and has been rightly called the toughest Sportive in the UK.
The Route
I’m waiting for him to return home, I only know he rode well yesterday and was pleased with his time. He was too tired to tell me anymore. However, he rode this event last year for the first time, and did a fabulous write up of it. I’m now cheekily pinching it as a blog post to show that (a) apparently there is more to life than running, and (b) I’m incredibly proud of him and want to share how hard he works at his cycling and his training for events (even if I do wish he would be at home some weekends to tackle the long list of jobs I have waiting for him..!)
So, over to Mr B&T and wind back the calendar to this time last year…
Dear Friends and Family,
So three days after completing the Fred Whitton Challenge I am finally
coming back down to earth, not with a bump, but with the glowing
satisfaction of completing the toughest physical challenge of my life
and knowing that, thanks to your generosity, I have raised over £500
toward Macmillan Cancer Support.
I have thanked a few of you already but wanted to say to everyone how
grateful I am for your support. It is amazing what you can do with some
determination and the added support of those around you. Here is a photo
of me climbing the 30% slope to the summit of Hardknott
Pass. Never did I think I could do that. I had fully expected to be
walking up that road, so thank you for your support which motivated me
to give it everything. I'm the one in the Chippenham Wheelers jersey,
not the chap in red.
My day started at 4.30am, waking up in my Ambleside guest house, excited
about what the day would bring but so apprehensive about the weather and
the ride that I could barely manage to eat my porridge. After a short
drive up to Grasmere, lining up at the start with hundreds of other
nervous cyclists, my 112 mile ride finally got underway at 6.30am. It
rained all morning and the wind blew constantly all day. The first climb
up Kirkstone Pass was a hard slog, but it helped get the blood pumping
and I certainly didn't feel cold by the time I reached the assembled
crowd of supporters up at the top by the Kirkstone Inn ringing their cow
bells and cheering us along. I went over the top and started the
first slippery descent of the day, taking great care to control my speed
in the tricky conditions. I was soon flying along the valley base and
then onto the next climb at Matterdale End.
Kirkstone Pass Inn
The rest of the day was pretty much like that all the way......... hard,
long climbs and phenomenal supporters shouting encouragement. The climb
to Honister Pass was the first really serious climb of the day, with 25%
gradients, followed by the first really steep descent. Then onto
Buttermere Youth Hostel for a long and much needed re-fuelling stop for
cheese and jam sandwiches (a Cumbrian delicacy I believe), flapjack and
the obligatory banana. Another 30 odd miles later up and down Newlands
Pass, Whinlatter Pass, Cold Fell and a few other lesser hills and then
another long stop at Calder Bridge Village Hall feed station for a hot
cup of tea and more cheese and jam sandwiches. There was only one
subject that everyone was talking about and that was the final two big
climbs of the day - Hardknott and Wrynose.
I arrived at Hardknott determined to give it a go. The first section
kicks up to 30% immediately on a really narrow road with tight bends.
Halfway up and it was just too congested with other riders and pushers
so I put a foot down and pushed the next couple of bends. I got back
onto the bike when the gradient eased a little and gave it another go,
only to be almost wiped out by another rider losing his chain in front
of me. Luckily we both unclipped our shoes quickly enough to stay
upright. After a second re-mount I then rode all the way to the upper
steep section, and astounded myself by pulling all the way through, with
marshals and supporters shouting encouragement all the way. A quick stop
for a breather, a push-off from a marshal to get me going and I arrived
at the summit.
Then the truly terrifying descent. 25-30% downhill. Brakes on all the
way. Push the weight to the back. Slowest possible speed. I reached the
bottom, over the bridge passed a guy with medics tending to a badly
gashed leg and then straight up to Wrynose and over the top, which
seemed easy by comparison to HK. At this point my ride halted as a
marshal cautioned me to stop part-way down the descent due to an earlier
accident. A rider had fallen, was unconscious and being recovered by the
air ambulance. I waited on the hill with 2-300 other riders looking down
on the helicopter and mountain rescue teams doing their work. The mood
was sombre, everyone thinking the worst. Eventually the rotors powered
up and it lifted off rushing its patient to Preston hospital.
Top of Wrynose
We were all then released to continue our last 10 miles back to
Grasmere. Everyone's mood gradually lifted and thoughts turned towards
finishing the last 10 miles back to Grasmere. Somehow the legs
discovered a new lease of life and I powered through the last miles.
The rain made a final appearance for the day, but seemed a minor
inconvenience after what had preceded.
Finally I arrived in Grasmere, turned the corner into the Showfield to
be greeted by a huge cheer form the supporters, 3-4 deep behind the
barriers waiting to greet family and friends. "Go on Chippenham" someone
shouted, as I crossed the line.
My overall time was 9 hours 31m, although my actually moving time was
8h32m. I hadn't set a target but was very happy just to have completed
the ride, safely, which had been my objective for the day. The fastest
riders (two chaps from the Lakes Road Club) finished in an astonishing 6
hours 1 minute. The slowest riders finished in over 12 hours.
There was much celebration in the finish arena, some much needed hot
food and the best ever pint of beer enjoyed in the company of so many
fellow cyclists. Every person I spoke to said it was the hardest ride
they had every done, including seasoned sportivistes, who had said it
was harder than rides they had done in the Alps.
The good news to eventually filter through after the event is that all
the accident casualties are back at home, nursing injuries but
thankfully okay.
I'm now back at home and getting back to normal, after the greatest
cycle event I have ever ridden. Wondering what on earth I can do next to
top that........?! I'm having a bit of rest from sportives for a while
now. Well, for a few weeks at least.
Thank you once again for supporting Macmillan on my behalf,
3 thoughts on “Guest Post. The Fred Whitton Challenge”
Im doing it this Sunday. First time, there’s loads of stuff on the net but this story is the best Ive read, very honest and matches my ambition, get round safely, have a go at the big hills but don’t beat yourself up if you put a foot down, there’s 14 of them after all. Heard about the crashes and getting home to the kids is always the goal. Really caught the emotion of the ride in the write up – inspired me when I’ve been extremely nervous for the last few day. Many thanks.
Best of luck Jonathon! Enjoy the ride (in a slightly masochistic way!) and get yourself to the finish line safely. Don’t forget to enjoy the views, weather permitting!
Glad it helped Jonathan, brought it all back to me reading it again just now. The Fred is a really special event. Just revel in what you are doing, put in a “good effort” and enjoy the camaraderie. Best of luck for Sunday
Im doing it this Sunday. First time, there’s loads of stuff on the net but this story is the best Ive read, very honest and matches my ambition, get round safely, have a go at the big hills but don’t beat yourself up if you put a foot down, there’s 14 of them after all. Heard about the crashes and getting home to the kids is always the goal. Really caught the emotion of the ride in the write up – inspired me when I’ve been extremely nervous for the last few day. Many thanks.
Best of luck Jonathon! Enjoy the ride (in a slightly masochistic way!) and get yourself to the finish line safely. Don’t forget to enjoy the views, weather permitting!
Glad it helped Jonathan, brought it all back to me reading it again just now. The Fred is a really special event. Just revel in what you are doing, put in a “good effort” and enjoy the camaraderie. Best of luck for Sunday