Janathon Day 1. A bad start

January 1st. Start of a New Year. A time for new year’s resolutions, new plans,  new starts. It’s also the start of Janathon, a month that has been described as a month to ‘Jog, Log, Blog’, or alternatively ‘a month of activities and excuses’. Having signed up to Juneathon a day late last year, I signed up to Janathon nice and early in a fit of enthusiasm, keen to complete the entire month this time.

On New Year’s Eve I had tentative plans to maybe go to a Parkrun in the morning, as a great way to kick off the year. At 8.30am I was awake and up, but rather than heading out, instead I fed the moaning black and tabby cats and slunk back to bed. Not a good start.

Out of bed for the second time several hours later, the weather was foul with wind and rain battering down on the window. Not encouraging, but I had a cup of tea, put my running gear on and prepared to face the weather. Remembering that for Janathon I have to record my activities, I grabbed my Garmin, and saw it had a completely flat battery. The signs and omens for getting out for my run were not good.

15 minutes of charging time later I was finally out of the door. What can I say about this run? It was wet, it was incredibly windy and very muddy. It was 3 miles to log at the start of Janathon, I just hope the rest of the month will be better.

3 thoughts on “Janathon Day 1. A bad start”

    1. Thank you. Unfortunately it was 3 miles of muttering and cursing and bad mood – not a very positive experience. But I saw 3 dog walkers and 2 dogs – everyone else was safely indoors so I guess I was doing more than the rest of the village!

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