This morning it was drizzling, yet I cycled up to the allotment, worked for 2 hours in the steadily increasing rain, and cycled home again.

Was that myJuneathon activity for today? It has been in previous years (and may be later this month) but not today. Oh no, today I have something much more exciting* planned. I’m doing a duathalon. I know I’ve been enjoying cycling on my new bike but the plan is that I just do the running and my husband will do the cycling. It was sounding like such a great plan, and a way for us to enter something together. Then we saw the weather forecast for today. And then he foolishly Googled the results of the last duathalon event. It’s a 2 mile run, followed by a 10 mile cycle, finished off with another 2 miles of running. It’s at Castle Combe circuit again, so it’s flat and traffic free. It’s also fast, and looking at the times for the runs I’ll be last by a few minutes. Sigh.
Anyway. I must get ready now, so I’ll let you know how it goes … tomorrow. Wish me luck.
* i.e. terrifying