It’s Saturday so it must be parkrun day, yes? Erm, actually I had told a friend I probably wouldn’t make it to parkrun as I was thinking of having a lie in. However Juneathon laughs in the face of lying in, and I was wide awake at 8am. What’s a girl to do, but to get up and parkrunning.
So 5k done and back home in time for second breakfast. Juneathon lives (as does the smug feeling) which lasts most of the day).
Today’s Kitten News. Big cat has been trying to hide. Unsuccessfully.

You really don’t want to see what happened shortly after this second photo, but I can promise no kittens were harmed. Just a little bit biffed.
Second breakfasts rule! 🙂
I think I was a hobbit in a previous life …