After the upset and stress of the past week, even my Emergency Training Plan went out of the window in a flurry of hospital trips and plaster casts. Emergency Training Plan #2 needed to be brought out of the small dark place at the back of the wardrobe where I keep such things (behind the old running shoes and race t-shirts worn for going to the allotment).
This plan kicks off with a ridiculously long run 9 days before the race, followed by some gentle recovery runs and a speed session if the long run hasn’t already killed my legs. A couple of days rest and I’ll be good to go. (‘Go where?’ is a question I haven’t asked myself yet, as I’m worried the answer might be ‘to the knackers yard’). Friday was the start of this plan, as it was the day I’d got the boy and his cast into school uniform and back to school. Breakfast at 7.30 was a rushed affair as it was interrupted by the boy needing a clean dressing on his knee, and wanting a packed lunch making, and needing help doing up his shirt buttons and putting on his socks. We finally got out of the house and I delivered him and his sister to school. I then returned home and tried to get myself in the right frame of mind for a long run, when I haven’t done a long run for weeks.
I suddenly remembered the Beet Shot concentrated beetroot juice I had to try before the race next week, so I grabbed it and slugged it down. It didn’t taste as bad as I thought it would, but next time I might try it chilled as ‘cupboard warm’ was a little strange.
I was finally ready to step out of the front door when my tummy gurgled. I looked at my watch and saw it was 11.30 – breakfast had long since gone down but if I stopped for a snack now I’d never get out. Exasperated with myself for taking so long to get ready, I dashed back into the kitchen to see what I could grab to eat. 5 Veggie Percy Pigs seemed like a good compromise between a quick energy boost and something I could eat on the go, so that’s what I grabbed.
I set off on a route that I hoped would be at least 10 miles and hopefully more like 11 in order to really get my body ready to run half marathon distance in 9 days time. The sky was dark and it was threatening to rain as I set off, so it felt great not to have to fuss about suncream or sunglasses. Of course, a couple of miles down the road the sun came out. This is a strange talent I seem to have, not so useful when out running though!
The Percy Pigs seemed to do the trick, and most of my run was okay. I felt tired, bits of me were aching by the end, but with a Gel after mile 6 and some unusual tunes on my ipod I ran 12 miles. Yay!
So just a couple more runs next week and I’ll be ready for a half marathon next Sunday. I’ll let you know then how well Emergency Training Plan #2 prepares your body for a race …
Things I spotted on this new route

If a huge drum of Fibre Optic Cable isn’t exciting to you, then you obviously don’t live in a village with snail’s pace broadband but with the hint of Fibre Optic Broadband coming this month *does a little happy dance*.
- Things I learnt from this run
1. 5 Veggie Percy Pigs are a good source of energy
2. Concentrated Beetroot Juice tastes better than expected, but sadly doesn’t give you ‘Barbie-Wee’ despite the warning on the bottle.
3. Dolly Parton singing ‘Jolene’ is surprisingly good to run to.
4. Dolly Parton singing ‘I will always love you’ isn’t.