It’s the end of the first week of Janathon. We’re all still full of enthusiasm and pep aren’t we? Still loving the New Year and all the new hope and challenges it’s bringing, yes? Hmm? Not at all bogged down by the dark mornings and general back to school-ness of this week, no. Not troubled by the jobs we said we’d get done over the holidays, but somehow didn’t find time for <cough cough>.
That might just be why I decided not to complete any traditional forms of exercise today, but instead painted for over 3 hours. By painting I don’t mean delicate watercolours or exciting Jackson Pollock style abstracts, I mean rollering white emusion onto walls of our loft conversion. I am finally realising how much extra space we have up there – three is still many more hours of rollering to do. My arms are now tired (and my glasses are covered in paint spots), and I’m worried I’ll have arms like Popeye* before I’m finished.

Roll on another running day!
* Without the tattos