Five years ago I started running.
This year I was bought a new bike for my birthday and I started cycling as well.
Both of these activities have their advantages, and disadvantages, but having cycled yesterday and then run today I thought I’d consider which activity I preferred.
Running is quicker to get ready for, requires less kit, and doesn’t require a bicycle. Cycling *does* require a bike, which then requires maintenance and washing (apparently).
Running means I get to spend time on my own. Cycling means I go with Mr B&T and sometimes our son as well. These can be advantages or disadvantages, depending upon how much my family has upset me at the time.
I’ve tripped, slipped and got muddy when running, but it’s only when cycling I’ve properly fallen off. Usually at 0mph.
Cycling is faster than running and involves whizzing down hills. Unfortunately I’m scared of going fast, so downhills involve white knuckles from squeezing the brakes very tightly.
I have to concentrate on the road (gravel, pot holes, crumbling edges of road) when on my bike, but when I’m running I can look over hedges, into gardens and spot wildlife.
When I run I can manage water, an occasional veggie ‘Percy Pig’ sweet or a gel and that’s it. Yesterday’s 2 hour bike ride included a mid-ride stop in a pub, and also a tea room. The pub said they’d just stopped serving food, then brought out a plate of leftover roast potatoes for us to help ourselves to. Well it would have been rude not to!

We then needed a cup of tea to wash the spuds down, so crossed the road to a tea shop. Have you ever seen such a cute milk jug?

To sum up, trying to decide whether I prefer running or cycling, I think the roast potatoes might give cycling an unfair advantage. What about you?