Janathon Day 18. Shredding

Over a fortnight with no running. I can still feel the Christmas wobbly bits  because I’ve not done enough exercise to send them packing. Time to try something new, I thought. Several ladies on the “Run Mummy Run’ Facebook page had been recommending Jillian Michael’s 30 day Shred DVD as a good workout, so when I spotted it at the checkout in the Co-Op I took it as a sign, and bought it.

Twenty minutes,  every day for 30 days and I’ll be sorted,  apparently.
One RMR lady had commented that doing this workout had certainly made her sweat. I can confirm,  this is definitely a sweaty workout. So much so that I needed to jump in the shower afterwards,  then decided I may as well pop my pyjamas on. It was only then I realised it was only half past seven.  I certainly know how to party on a Saturday night!

Janathon Day 17. A Breath of Fresh Air

After a morning’s house cleaning and tidying I had to get outside before I turned into a Stepford Wife. So I grabbed my Garmin and wellies and set off for a squelchy walk.

I also grabbed my ipod and listened to a Podcast of Radio 4’s The News Quiz. I felt so much better for the fresh air and daylight, and sniggered my way around a muddy loop through the fields. I’m afraid I always end up laughing out loud to the News Quiz, so it’s a good job most of my walk was a solitary one.

No wonder I look happy!

Janathon Day 16. Over Half Way

I meant to go out for another walk today for Janathon,  but with one thing and another I just never got around to it.  Pah – I could have done with the fresh air,  but I’m just not in the habit of walking.

Instead I amused my son by dragging out the Wii Fit again.  Apparently I’m an Amateur at boxing, a Professional at ski jumping, and a Muscle Legend.  Who’d have thought it?!


Janathon Day 15. Sssssshhhhhh!

So I don’t want to jinx anything, so come close and I’ll whisper. “My sore bits are feeling better”. My coccyx is feeling absolutely fine today – I have no idea why it was so sore yesterday. My butt cheek / hip / hamstring has hardly niggled today at all which is fantastic.

The other good news is that for today’s Janathon activity I thought I’d go back to a plank, and I managed a new plank PB of 2 minutes 15 seconds. Yay!

Janathon Day 14. Less said the Better

Woke this morning and got out of bed only to find my coccyx felt like I’d banged it.  Hard.  I have no idea how I did that,  but I decided to take it easy and spent the day reorganising bookcases.  Well, maybe it wasn’t that easy, but the bookcase looks much better now.

For something different for Janathon I tried an exercise I saw in Cycling Active for core strength. Didn’t hurt which is good.

Janathon Day 12. How to take 10 years off your age

At last, I found something different to do today for Janathon. I dusted off the Wii balance board and decided to do some Wii Fit.

It was immediately obvious I hadn’t used this for a very long time so it started me off with a body test. After various wobbly balance tests it announced I’d put on a couple of Kilograms and gave my Wii Fit age as 50. Well gee thanks!

I pressed on, and did 30 minutes of various daft games. I then thought, purely for scientific research I’d redo the Body Test. Moose wobbling about and then the machine proudly told me if lost one kilo and my new Wii Fit age was 40. Result!

Janathon Day 11. Plankathon

Due to my complete failure to find anything other than running to do for Janathon, I think I shall rename it ‘Plankathon*’. For variety, this one was performed after eating copious amounts of cheese,  washed down by a glass of Montepulciano. 1 minute 40 seconds, abandoned after husband re-entered the room and sniggered at me.

*My phone keeps trying to auto correct Plankathon to Plankton. Maybe I’ll try that tomorrow

Janathon Day 10. Hamstrings.

Feeling more and more disappointed about not running today.  Everything I pick up and read is about running (curse you Twitter,  and copy of Runner’s World in the toilet!) Tonight I have done a small amount of hamstring stretches whilst trying to feel if it’s stretching things too much or not.

Realised I need to do some form of cardiovascular exercise whilst I’m not running,  otherwise it will be sooooo hard to start running again. Really not keen on swimming,  so I guess it’ll have to be cycling.  Unfortunately my heavyy old ‘happy shopper’ bike is still buried in the garage under builder’s stuff and dust sheets.

The builders are due to go next week so hopefully then I can get back out on the road.  Unless any one has any ideas of any other forms of exercise I could be doing???