I realised the other day, that since the New Year I’ve not been feeling myself.
“Who have you been feeling then, eh?” << Thought I’d get the gag in before anyone else did.
I’ve been feeling like an inferior, older, tireder and sadder version of myself. And that’s not been good. Was it the not running? I certainly felt like a different person when I wasn’t a ‘runner’ for four weeks. Maybe it was the lack of daylight and fresh air because I wasn’t running. With the atroctious weather we’ve had, some days I didn’t set foot outside the house. Maybe it was my recent birthday? I’ve never been too bothered about getting older, but this birthday did feel like standing on the platform at the top of a big playground slide, wobbling slightly before sliding down to the next ‘big birthday’. Maybe it was a hormonal thing. Perhaps it was the couple of weeks of bad sleep I seem to have had. Possibly it was because I have no new goals on the horizon, nothing big and scary to motivate me. By contrast, my husband has some big sporting challenges this year and is sickeningly enthused (and scared, truth be told). Actually I haven’t got a single race to prepare for as I have just been feeling too old and slow. Possibly, just maybe, it’s been a combination of all of these factors. Going down with a cold last weekend seemed like the final straw.
Last week, I was fed up of feeling fed up. I felt bored, boring, tired, unfit and ready to give myself a good talking to (and a kick up the backside). After running too much too quickly a few weeks ago (which didn’t improve my mood) I decided to be sensible this time. I set off and ran just 3 times in the week, with plenty of rest in between and all at a slow easy pace. I bought some long overdue new trainers (which are scarily white, shiny and pink, Ugh!) I tried to get to bed at a better time, and resolved to make sure I was eating better with less sugary rubbish.

This week, after shaking off the cold, I feel better. I’ve run on two cold but clear mornings. I’ve had some better sleep. I’ve eaten more fruit and veg, tried to cut out the chocolate, and thought about how much protein I need. I’ve even spent several hours digging on my neglected allotment. It feels like a weight is being lifted from me, and I’m liking it.

Right then – where’s the race calendar? 2014, I’m finally ready for you!
*hug* Well done you for getting out there in the last week and also being healthier! I’m massively struggling with getting enough sleep and not eating rubbish at the mo. Hope you’re feeling much more yourself soon x
Thank you. Sometimes you hit a slump, and before you know it weeks have gone past whilst you’ve been feeling sorry for yourself. Hope you get more sleep / less junk food yourself very soon!
As Lucy’s resident ‘old, slow’ friend I feel duty bound to respond. Firstly by saying it’s unfair to get that gag in before I’ve had a chance! 🙂 On a more serious note, I’ve not been able to run for three months. But I was given the go-ahead yesterday by my physio to start again (with gentle 10 min brisk walk/slow jog intervals on my treadmill). So I know that lethargic feeling that comes from lack of exercise and being stuck indoors for week after week.
As for having a recent birthday and looking ahead and feeling ‘old’, well (harrumph) as your ‘old’ friend I’ll just repeat my mantra that there are plenty of ‘old’ middle-aged people out there, but plenty of ‘young’ pensioners (or almost-pensioners in my case!). I think I belong to the latter group and as far as I’m concerned it’s all in the mind. Luckily, I don’t usually have any problems sleeping. But I do eat more than I ought (and sometimes the ‘wrong’ stuff too).
So .. first things first, let’s get this over and done with .. aims *kick* at B&T’s (no doubt lovely) backside.
Yes, you’re right, you need some races or targets in your diary to stop you drifting along. As you know my main target this year is to get fit for Wainwright’s C2C walk which I am doing in July. I had planned to do the Bath HM last weekend but had to cancel due to my calf injury. So once the C2C walk is over and done with, I will be planning for and training for an autumn half. Care to join me?
Mel – thanks for the kick (rubs backside ruefully), and for the encouragement! I think I’m definitely up for an Autumn Half. let the planning commence…!
I am glad to hear you are feeling better in yourself again. I know how you have felt and the sunshine this weekend has lifted my spirits a huge amount.
Steph – the sunshine this weekend couldn’t have come at a better time! Glad you’ve enjoyed the sun as well, and onwards and upwards for all of us!