Juneathon Day 1, A Good Start

June dawned, bright and sunny. As I seem to have done more cycling than running recently I decided I’d better start Juneathon off with a run. Just a short run, only 5K, but along a route I haven’t been down for a few months. It’s an out and back route, with a short but steep dip in the middle. A few years ago I decided I wanted to break 30 minutes for 5K, so I ran along this lane regularly until I finally managed it.

Today I ran it in 29 minutes 40, so not a world record but at least it was still under 30 minutes. I was wondering how low I could get this time, when I realised that should be my aim for Juneathon – to see how much time I can take off this route. Roll on the rest of the month!

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