Tuesday night is cycling at Castle Combe circuit night. Me and the boy have been going since April, gradually building up our laps and mileage. I’ve enjoyed the traffic free smooth tarmac whilst getting used to my new bike, and he lost any nerves at getting back on his bike after coming off and breaking his arm last year.
Last night was slightly different. It was the annual Midsummer Bike Ride which is open to any cyclist, young and old. The aim of the evening is to beat last year’s total number laps, oh and to raise money for the Wiltshire Search and Rescue
For a change I cycled up to the circuit and was a little embarrassed to find it’s only about 3 1/2 miles (I always thought it was further than that). Husband changed down a few gears and cycled with me. Son was feeling tired so we left him at home which was a shame, but meant I could go a little faster than I usually do.
We signed in and set off for four laps of the track at what was an easy pace (for Mr B&T) or a good pace (for me).

Then because we could, we stopped for some mid-ride refuelling.

I did manage another 4 laps after that, then I set off for home and left Mr B&T clocking up some more miles. 21.92 Miles in total which is very annoying – wish I’d gone up the lane and back again to round it up!
Nice refueling!
What a great place you have nearby to ride.
I approved of the refuelling hugely as well (my Northern roots showing through). We are very lucky to have such a safe place to cycle – it was lovely to see little kids flying round!