Juneathon Day 8 – struggling with weekends

I usually run in the mornings, when everyone else has left the house and I get some time on my own. I always knew therefore that weekends were going to be tricky for Juneathon.

After a lazy Saturday morning, where the only activity was popping into town dropping daughter off for her ‘stay awake over’ and a spot of shopping, I made the mistake of sitting on the sofa.  I was promptly pinned down by a very large tabby.


Apparently sitting with your feet on a copy of Runner’s World doesn’t count for #Juneathon.

After a nap with a lovely warm lap, me and the boy (son not cat) headed outside to assemble our new bench. This didn’t take long so I still couldn’t kid myself I’d done my Juneathon activity for the day.

So I got off the sofa and dug the Abs DVD out again.  My stomach was still sore from Thursday’s session, but I stuck it out (the workout, not my stomach).

I even didn’t mind the annoying lady’s voice as much this time, as each time she said something like “keep this up and you’ll soon have your six pack”, my son would say “she really wants her beer!”

Race day tomorrow – better drink some water and get my stuff sorted!

2 thoughts on “Juneathon Day 8 – struggling with weekends”

    1. Nell – the one I use I picked up very cheaply in a HMV sale – it was only about £3! Picture of it here. I have another in the same series (a Pilates one I think) which I got in Sainsburys, again very cheaply. I suspect it will be making an appearance before Juneathon is out!

      Abs are also my weak bit – I’m hoping strengthening them will help my running form, and my appearance in Summer dresses!

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