After feeling gloomy in my last post, I’m very happy to report that I’m feeling Good again! A brief flash of sunshine has helped, along with running again, eating better and getting slightly more sleep. The sleep thing is in the process of being sorted, as it’s currently being sabotaged by this fellow:-

Yes, he looks very cute when he’s asleep, but unfortunately he’s been waking up earlier and earlier and being a Mummy’s boy comes straight to tell me all about it. Loudly. Yesterday it was at 6.20 am when my alarm is actually set for 7.00am. If yowling loudly doesn’t get me up, he jumps up onto my bedside table and knocks the cat-drinking-prevention-device from the top of my water (I put a coaster on top of my glass to stop him drinking from it). If that doesn’t work, his latest trick is to carefully pat at each object on my bedside table until it falls onto the floor. Cue me grumpily and myopically searching around for my glasses yesterday morning and eventually finding them under the bed.
Anyway, despite this feline-induced sleep deprivation, I still feel good. I ran 3 times last week with a long run that was meant to be 8 miles but ending up being 9.5 miles. I got out on my bike at the weekend, with both children (this is a major achievement!) To top it all, I set out to run 4 miles yesterday, along an out-and-back route I run at least once a week, determined to push it just a little, to run “comfortably hard”. When I got back and uploaded my data onto Strava I was delighted to spot that I’d run it the segment heading back home in my 2nd fastest time ever. I was even more pleased to see that the only time I’d run it faster was in a race, last year.
Right – pass the race directory – I’m ready to enter some races!
Glad you are feeling more chirpy. I think the feline induced sleep deprivation thing is turning into an epidemic – our two are doing exactly the same at the moment. Little darlings.
I can hear you gritting your teeth at that last sentence. I’m hoping that when the clocks go forward at the end of the month it will fool the felines for a while, at least!
Chippenham HM in September maybe? Though I seem to remember you thought you might enter another half-marathon held around the same time instead. Which from memory includes Swindon, Cricklade and Malmesbury? Once I’ve recovered from the C2C walk I’d like to think I’ll be running enough by the autumn to be able to consider a half-marathon after having to cancel my Bath entry.